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Lubuntu linux Tips
Get a bigger mouse cursor

I can't believe that Linux distros have not standardised an easy way to set the mouse cursor in over 30 years.

( In the ubuntu repositories there is a package called big-cursor, but it doesn't work. )

Follow the instrcutions below to get a bigger cursor.

1. Install a theme that contains a bigger cursor using 'Synaptic Package Manager'.
E.g chameleon-cursor-theme
This theme contains about 5 sets of cursors each with 3 sizes.

2. Open 'Preferences > Customize Look and Feel' (lxappearance) and pick a cursor set.
Mouse Cursor > pick e.g Chameleon-White-Large

3. Open a terminal e.g Accessories > LXterminal and enter
> sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme

you'll see something like this;

  Selection    Path                                                         Priority   Status
  0            /usr/share/icons/DMZ-White/cursor.theme                       90   auto mode
  1            /usr/share/icons/Chameleon-Anthracite-Large/cursor.theme      49   manual mode
  2            /usr/share/icons/Chameleon-Anthracite-Regular/cursor.theme    49   manual mode
* 13           /usr/share/icons/Chameleon-White-Large/cursor.theme           49   manual mode
  17           /usr/share/icons/DMZ-White/cursor.theme                       90   manual mode

Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:

pick the number of the cursor     e.g  13    <enter.

4. logout and log back in.

That's it.!
(now that you have a bigger mouse, find out how to control it's speed)


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