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Random Access (advanced Basic! language)

Simple Random Access
Mark & Limit
The Rules
4 ways to random access files and big files

Simple Random Access

The original Basic! for Android language provides a way for random access inside a file.
To set the position for the next read use;

byte.position.set  <file_index_nexp>, <position_nexp>    (legacy v01.91 manual page 114)

This command alone allows direct positioning anywhere within a file.
Internally, there is a window buffer that covers the whole file.

If you are NOT dealing with very large files, you can use this command alone and not have any problems.
If you are NOT using random access at all, then you won't have any problems with large files.

After a read, the next_read position will move forward.
To get the current read position at any time, use;

byte.position.get <file_index_nexp>, <position_nvar>      (legacy v01.91 manual page 114)

Mark and Limit

There is also another command that let's you define the internal window buffer position and size when using byte.position.set.

byte.position.mark   {{<file_index_nexp>}{, <limit_nexp>}}   (legacy v01.91 manual page 115)

You would only ever need to use this command If a file is too large for byte.position.set (e.g 500mb).
If the file is too large, you may get an out-of-memory error.

The command sets the Mark and Limit of the window meaning you can make the window buffer smaller and move it's position.

The Mark is the Start of the random access window within the file.
You may view it like an anchor of a ship.
The Mark and Limit are both set by the command
    byte.position.mark {file_index_nexp},{Limit_nexp}

When you execute this command, the Mark is always dropped at the current position (the next read).
Therefore you may need to byte.position.set before dropping the Mark.
When a file is opened the Mark is by default at position 1.

The Limit is the size or width of the random access window.
By default the Limit is the whole size of the file.

If the file is too large (e.g 500mb) and you attempt random access (byte.position.set) then this will trigger an out-of-memory error. In this case you can reduce the size of the Limit with the above command.

If you reduce the Limit, this means that you may not be able to get to some parts of the file that are not covered by the window.
But you can move the window by moving the Mark. Don't forget that the Mark can only be dropped at the current position.

byte.position.mark fv, bsize        % first shrink the window buffer to prevent OOM
byte.position.set fv, pos           % set read position
byte.position.mark fv,bsize         % move mark to read position

The Rules

There are some hard rules when using byte.position.set.

1. You cannot set a position to less than 1.
    Doing so will run-time-error.

2. You cannot set a position before the current Mark.
    Doing so will have unpredictable results to the position.

3. You can set a position after the Limit (outside the window)
    But this is not recommended unless you are also moving the Mark afterwards.
    If you try to read data outside the window, this will force the Mark to move to the end of the read, for each read,
       so you will never be able to set position backwards from the last read.
    If you never have to access data before your current position, then this can be acceptable.

4. You can set the position at EOF just after the last byte (filesize+1).
5. You cannot set a position after EOF, doing so sets the position to EOF.

Note that because of rule 2, the window is only able to move forward. The only way to place the window earlier than it's current position is by closing and re-opening the file.

4 ways to random access files and big files.

Here are four functions that can random access large files.

Function 1 is what you would normally use for average sized files.
You can access anywhere in the file, forwards or backwards.
If the file is several hundred megabytes in size, it may crash with OOM (out-of-memory).

Function 2 shrinks the window to avoid OOM but uses read positions outside of the window, so it can only read forwards.

Function 3 shrinks the window and also moves it to the target position.
It allows safe access anywhere from the target to the end of the window forwards or backwards.
If you set a position higher than limit (outside the window), it's behaviour is Rule 3.

Function 4 is the same as Function 3 but places the window so that the target is in the middle of the window.
This allows backward access before the target by half a window.

% Function 1

fn.def OpenBytePos1 (fpath$, pos)

       % open file at pos for next read

       % random access for whole window/file
       % OOM if file too big (e.g 500MB)
       % -1=fail else return file index r, fv, fpath$
  if fv = -1 then fn.rtn -1

  byte.position.set fv, pos % direct positioning

fn.rtn fv

% Function 2

fn.def OpenBytePos2 (fpath$, pos, bsize)

       % open binary file at pos for next read

       % maybe outside the read window
       % mark will follow read
       % forward access only
       % -1=fail else
return file index r, fv, fpath$
  if fv = -1 then fn.rtn -1

  byte.position.mark fv, bsize % shrink the buffer
  byte.position.get fv,g : ?"mark at ";int$(g)

  byte.position.set fv, pos    % set read position
  byte.position.get fv,g : ?"ptr at ";int$(g)
  ? "mark will follow read"
fn.rtn fv

% Function 3

fn.def OpenBytePos3 (fpath$, pos, bsize)

       % open binary file at pos for next read

       % read window starts at pos
       % random access within window
       % -1=fail else
return file index r, fv, fpath$
  if fv = -1 then fn.rtn -1

  byte.position.mark fv, bsize % first shrink the buffer
  byte.position.set fv, pos    % set read position
  byte.position.mark fv,bsize  % move mark to it
  byte.position.get fv,g : ?"mark at ";int$(g)
  byte.position.get fv,g : ?"ptr at ";int$(g)
fn.rtn fv

% Function 4

fn.def OpenBytePos4 (fpath$, pos, bsize)

       % open binary file at pos for next read

       % put pos in the middle of a read window
       % random access within the window
       % -1=fail else
return file index r, fv, fpath$
  if fv = -1 then fn.rtn -1

  byte.position.mark fv, bsize      % shrink the buffer
  byte.position.set fv, pos-bsize/2
% mark before
  byte.position.mark fv,bsize      
% by half a buffer
  byte.position.get fv,g : ?"mark at ";int$(g)
  % target must be within limit
  byte.position.set fv, pos % set it halfway
  byte.position.get fv,g : ?"ptr at ";int$(g)
fn.rtn fv
