linux Tips (2015-2020) |
Fixes e.g Mouse randomly spins as if busy. Pointing hand cursor never shows up. ( lubuntu 18.04
'stuck' busy mouse cursor fix. This problem is where the mouse randomly spins as if busy is annoying. It is a bug where the mouse cursor gets stuck with the busy cursor. This fix just changes the busy cursor to a normal pointer. For this to work, you need to install a custom mouse theme, e.g Chameleon-White. To do that first have a look here. In a Terminal, go to where the cursors are; cd
Make a backup of the busy cursor (watch) then link it to the normal cursor (left_ptr); mv watch
ln -s left_ptr watch Do the same for left_ptr_watch busy cursor
mv left_ptr_watch
ln -s left_ptr left_ptr_watch That's it. The missing Pointing Hand Fix Here is a siimilar fix for the 'pointing hand' cursor not showing up sometimes if you are using the pcmanfm desktop manager. mv pointing_hand
ln -s hand2 pointing_hand End. |
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