hBasic > hManual > Editor

hBasic Manual
Editor changes

Editor Title
displayed in window title / subtitle
Error Line Number Error line displayed for 5 secs

Editor Title

The loaded program filename is displayed in the Title of the Editor window.

The hBasic version number is displayed in the subtitle (line below the title).

Error Line Number

An error line number is displayed for 5 seconds in the subtitle of the Editor window if there was an error after a program is run from the editor and the user returns to the editor.

The subtitle is the line under the main title for the Editor view.

This should be the line number of the editor which is normally highlighted after an error. So this should be the same line as that of the file.

The first line of the editor is line 1.

If the error occurred  inside an INCLUDE file, then only the line# that loaded the first INCLUDE file will be displayed.