Humpty Promotes > Rfo-Basic> hBasic > hManual

hBasic Manual for v5.04
is a Basic Interpreter based on Rfo-Basic 01.91 (De Re Basic) for Android originally by Paul Laughton.

The hBasic app APK is available in the hBasic Repository here.
where you will also find
Source files in 'source' dir
Changes in  hbasic.changelog.txt
and a zipped verson of this manual.
This manual details the differences between hBasic. and the original legacy Rfo-Basic 01.91.
So you will also need a copy of the original legacy 01.91 reference manual  (original Laughton server.)
(The apk of the legacy Rfo-Basic 01.91 is also there but probably won't run on modern devices due to scoped storage.)
Command changes

Function changes

System changes

Editor changes

Package changes
Graphics system changes



Examples and Demos

Quick Index

Related Topics (external)
How to transfer files
How to make an APK