Humpty Promotes


RFO Basic was created by Paul Laughton and named after
"The Dr. Richard Feynman Observatory". It is a Basic language interpreter.

An opensource BASIC program interpreter for ANDROID.  ( by Paul Laughton.)
The _FASTEST_ way to make an Android APP !!!
(do you want to program without the mess of java, xml and slow emulators? - read on..)
Quick Development Interfaces
Interpreter runs *.bas files

No compile !
No Java !
No XML !

Easy APK building!
Graphics / Console
HTML (browser / data)
File I/O
SQL database
shell / root shell
TCP/IP sockets

Device Sensors (acc, temp, motion etc)
Audio play, record, tone generation,
Email, SMS.
Text To Speech

Features :  Rapid Application Development (RAD)

Please note, the original BASIC! on Playstore became defunct due to lack of updates and changes in Android storage (scoping). You are encouraged to use one of the forks eg. hBasic which can be found on the forum.
This site promotes hBasic which can be found furthur down this page.

Edit programs with the built-in editor ( inside  BASIC! interpreter app)
Copy *.bas file/s from PC to Android phone for the interpreter app.
No waiting for compilation or building process during development.
Execute program in Standard intepreter app.
No need for a slow emulator. What you see is 'really' what you get.
When the program is finished, there is a tool to package as an .APK or .AAB
the program and embedded interpreter as a standalone app.
[ Development Tools ]
Tools for serious programming. This includes PC to phone file transfer and tools for APK or AAB app packaging.
[ Forum ]
The rfo-basic forum is now hosted on tapatalk.


My Stuff


My fork of 01.91 rfo-basic

Patcher, Compiler and App maker to make hBasic or standalone Android apps.


Project Info and Stories

Context Editor highlighter for RFO Basic! (windows) A highlighter file for the ConText Editor keywords. (place inside the 'Highligthers' directory.)
Geany highlighter (linux)
A highlighter file to replace freebasic keywords. Rename and put as $home/ .config/geany/filedefs/ filetypes.freebasic