Humpty Promotes > Rfo-Basic > hBasic


hBasic is a Basic Interpreter based on Rfo-Basic 01.91 (De Re Basic) for Android originally by Paul Laughton.

hBasic Repository
APKs and source files, hManual, etc.

Versions before hBasic

Legacy APK
and manual

A copy of the orginal BASIC! v01.91 APK
and manual (De_Re_BASIC!-v0191.pdf).
You will need this manual as a starting point.

hBasic Manual This manual details the differences between hBasic and legacy v01.91.
(you will also need the original legacy manual)

A zipped version of the manual is also found in the repository.

hSuite A standalone compilation suite tailored to compile hBasic or hBasic apps.

How to Transfer Files

Copy or move files between PC and Android device.