Humpty Promotes > Rfo-Basic > hBasic > hManual > Zipped Manual

hBasic Manual
 About the Zipped Manual

A zipped version of the hBasic Manual is also found in the repository.

How to View the Zipped Manual

First, download the manual to your PC or Android device.
Extract the zip file using a zip program or file-manager.
There should be a directory called hmanual. The first page is index.html.

Reading on a PC
To read this manual on a PC with a web browser, open this page;
file://<your_path>hmanual/index.html inside the browser.

Reading on an Android Device

Unfortunately, on Android 11+ devices, you cannot download outside of your scoped storage, and other browsers are not allowed to browse inside.

Instead you can use the program get-hmanual.bas in the repository.
It can download the zip file (into data/) , extract it and view it.
Choose Download, then Extract and finally View.

The program is needed because since Android 11+, outside apps are not able to view files inside another apps' scoped storage, and they also cannot follow links properly to another document.