hBasic Manual GPS
command changes
Upgrade to Gnss
Older devices less than Android N (7) will still use
the deprecated GPS API. For newer devices of Android N or greater, the library calls will use the Gnss API (which also includes GPS) for greater coverage and accuracy.
About Satellite Bundles and
Satellite bundles are used in the updated sample program f15_gps.bas. You can get a count of satellites in view with GPS.Status. You can also get a list of satellites with GPS.Status or GPS.Satellites. This is a list of bundle pointers with keys prn, elevation, azimuth, snr and infix. If you provide a satellite list that was used before, then any satellites in this list are not removed, they are either updated (if they are in view), or (scrubbed and) moved to the bottom of the list. Therefore a reused list can get bigger and bigger, depending on how many unique satellites were picked up in the course of your run. This means that the list size may or may not be the same as the last GPS.Status inview count. About infix This count can be obtained with either GPS.Status, GPS.Location or GPS.Satellites. These infix counts are obtained from different libraries, so may not be in sync with each other. An infix count is the number of satellites that were in view and used for a fix. This does not neccessarily mean you get a fix. It usually takes 4 or more satellites before you get a fix for data. Satellites used for a fix will have their bundle key "infix" set to 1. |
PRN Number Satellite bundles returned in the list by GPS.Status and GPS.Satellites still have a "prn" key but it's value is replaced with an hBasic unique number. This is in order to accommodate multiple Gnss constellations, with the first digit identifying the constellation type. e.g 3023 identifies a satellite from the GLONASS constellation. The next 3 digits are described in this Android document. |
Two new parameters were added, useNET and useLAST.
GPS.OPEN {status_nvar},{time_nexp},{distance_nexp},{useNET_nexp},{useLAST_lexp,} useNET sets whether the scans will use the network provider or not. where 0 = Don't use network provider (i.e just use GPS/Gnss provider) 1 = Use both network provider and GPS/Gnss provider for each scan. 2 = Only use network provider (don't use GPS/Gnss provider). other = default = 0 (same as legacy). Network provider can still get you some data even if GPS/Gnss doesn't. Note: The network provider still needs 'location' enabled by the user. useLAST is a flag which remembers and uses the last-known-location (for the first scan only) of GPS.Open. where 0 = OFF, don't use last known location (recommended) 1 = ON, use last known location for first scan. other = default = 0 (unlike legacy)
If you don't get any readings, the last known location
just sticks, until you get a valid reading, which can
be confusing or worse mis-leading for your next