Humpty Promotes > Rfo-Basic> hBasic > hManual > License


hSuite is distributed with
hMaster is the base for
hBasic is a fork of
Rfo-Basic 01.91 (De Re Basic) for Android. (Paul Laughton) aka: BASIC!

License Information BASIC! is distributed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. The license requires that the source code for "derivative works" be made available to anyone who asks. The author of BASIC! interprets this to mean that the license applies only to derivatives of the BASIC! source interpreter code. It does not apply to source code for BASIC! applications, i.e., code that you have written using the BASIC! language.

The binary is freeware.
hpatcher uses
widgets based on the work of the FLTK project
Vampyre Image Converter LGPLv2 or MPL 1.1

OpenJDK Apache License, Version 2.0

Google Android ADT SDK License Terms and Conditions.