hBasic Manual System DecorsChanges to the system bars appearence and behaviour.
Behaviour and Colors
Changes to the system bars appearence and
Since hBasic v5.20, the app targets Api 35+. The following behaviour and appearences have changed as indicated below.
* Some manufacturers may furthur color the navigation
bars which may override your settings. ** v5.25+ added support for older devices between Api 23-30 for System bar text and icons.
window_bg is the background
color of the window. It can be set with;
for console @@window_bg
for graphics GR.OPEN
, , , ,
window_bg_sexp } for webview HTML.OPEN , , { window_bg_sexp } Normally you do not see this color because it is under several layers of other backgrounds, but since hBasic v5.20, it can be used to determine the background color of the statusbar and navbar depending on their configuration. actionbar_bg is the background color of the actionbar. It can be set with;
for console CONSOLE.TITLE
{title_sexp} {, textcolor_sexp}
for graphics GR.TITLE {title_sexp} {, textcolor_sexp} {, backcolor_sexp} for webview HTML.TITLE {title_sexp} {, textcolor_sexp} {, backcolor_sexp} Note that for devices >= Api 35, the statusbar bg will show the actionbar_bg only if the actionbar is on. If the actionbar is off, the statusbar bg will revert to the window_bg. (see also notch_hiding)
System bar text and icons.
Status bar text and Navigation bar icons can be made
light or dark if they a permanently on (depending on
the device Api), with;
CONSOLE.SET or the decors flags for GR.OPEN and HTML.OPEN Here is a sample program.
@@hide_actionbar Status bar text shading only works for Api 23
and later.@@window_bg "lightgrey" CONSOLE.SET "StatusTxt dark" % Api 23 and later CONSOLE.SET "NavBarTxt dark" % Api 26 to Api 34 only ? "Console> tap BackKey to graphics" bk=0: do:pause 100: until bk sdark=1: ndark=1: nav=1: act=0: sta=1 decors = ndark*16 + sdark*8 + (!nav)*4 + act*2 + sta*1 winBG$ = "lightgrey" GR.OPEN "grey", decors ,1, winBG$ gr.text.size 40 : gr.color "white" gr.text.draw oT,50,50,"Graphics> tap BackKey to web" gr.render bk=0: do:pause 100: until bk GR.CLOSE HTML.OPEN decors, 1, winBG$ html.load.string "<big>Web> tap BackKey to End</big>" do : html.get.datalink data$ until starts_with ("BAK:",data$) HTML.CLOSE cls: ? "Console> Done." END OnBackKey: bk=1 Back.Resume Navigation bar icon shading only works between Api 26 - Api 34.
The above behaviours and effects only apply for a
running program, i.e console, graphics and webview. For Select and Standard hBasic (i.e Editor, Search.. etc), the system will follow the manufacturer's theme if possible. |
Decors for
,{ decors_flags_nexp}
orientation_nexp} {, window_bg_sexp} HTML.OPEN { decors_flags_nexp} , { orientation_nexp} {, window_bg_sexp}
window_bg is an
optional color string which
sets the color of the background window (default
The statusbar and navbar may show the window_bg color depending on if they are hidden and the device's Api. The legacy statusbar_flag_lexp has been replaced with decors_flags_nexp. The first 3 bits control the visibilty of the system bars.
If you don't specify this flag (e.g ",,") the default is decors_flags=1 or bin ("001"). This shows the statusbar and navbar but hides the action bar. This is different from legacy Basic which hides the statusbar by default ("000"). The reason being that a hidden statusbar may affect the navbar color for Android 11+ for some devices. Some examples;
hidden only, e.g Decors = bin
("001") % i.e 1
* statusbar hidden only, e.g Decors = bin ("010") % i.e 2 navbar hidden only, e.g Decors = bin ("111") % i.e 7 statusbar shown only, e.g Decors = bin ("101") % i.e 5 navbar shown only, e.g Decors = bin ("000") % i.e 0 * show all bars e.g Decors = bin ("011") % i.e 3 hide all bars e.g Decors = bin ("100") % i.e 4 * The scheme is compatible with legacy programs which either sets the legacy flag to 0 or 1. Example
Decors =
% show
all GR.OPEN "blue", Decors, 1 % last param is portrait Alternatively
nav=0 :
act=1 : sta=1
% show
all Hidden
BarsGR.OPEN "blue", nav*4 + act*2 + sta*1, 1 or nav=1 : act=1 : sta=1 % nav to be inverted to show GR.OPEN "blue", (!nav)*4 + act*2 + sta*1, 1
If either the statusbar or navbar is hidden, then you
need a swipe from the top or bottom edge to show
It disappears after 3 secs. |
Action Bar
The actionbar is the bar on the screen containing the
Title and Menu. It is usually under the statusbar. The Title, Subtitle and Colors can be changed with CONSOLE.TITLE and CONSOLE.SUBTITLE. The Menu can be changed with MENU commands and is shared with graphics and webview. Title Background color
The Title background is the actionbar background
color. It can be set with CONSOLE.TITLE. If you do not set this background color, then it will default to the manufacturer's theme color. This color is usually not pure black but a very dark brown. Hiding the Action Bar
The actionbar can be hidden before the program
To hide the actionbar, use the directive; @@hide-actionbar This can be useful to hide the image of the actionbar if you are immediatley going into the graphics screen. To bring back the actionbar, use CONSOLE.TITLE.
Note: The Action Bar is the only bar that can be
brought back after hiding for the console
only. It can only be hidden and brought back once.
If you have hidden the actionbar for graphics
or webview with decors, they
will not come back.
On some older devices e.g Android 5, a hidden navbar
might not disappear (after being swiped to show) if a
dialog is up at the same time (e.g
For devices that are able to hide the camera notch,
they may keep the statusbar high to cover the
In doing so, you will proboably get a black statusbar bg instead of window_bg if the statusbar is permanent. |